Craving stealth mode? We’ve got you. 
Some time ago, we noticed we were onto something with dabbling in the art of concealing trail cameras. We quickly realized that deer are a bit picky about what they encounter in their environment. Whether it's a camera or a hunting blind, especially the older bucks and does, they don't appreciate anything that's square, straight, or perfectly round.
Proper trail cam placement can have a great impact on your success. So, let’s talk about concealing them effectively, with no impact on your camera visibility.
Strategic Camera Placement
To keep our trail cameras discreet, we position them about six feet high or more. Sometimes, we even place them lower, taking advantage of the fact that deer tend to look up or straight ahead, not down. This not only keeps the cameras out of their line of sight but also minimizes any potential disturbance.
The Importance of the Sniff Test
We call it the "sniff test." If your cameras are attracting the attention of deer, especially mature bucks or does, you might be doing more harm than good. Deer sniffing around your camera can not only alter their travel patterns but also reduce the effectiveness of your stand locations.
Camouflage Techniques
Our strategy involves creating a natural camouflage around the camera. Placing it against brush or hollowing out a bush ensures that the camera is covered from the sides. We want the tree or structure to be as wide as the camera to avoid detection.
Strategic Use of Mock Scrapes
Strategic placement of mock scrapes serves a dual purpose. It not only diverts the attention of the deer away from the camera but also keeps them focused on a specific area, making it an ideal spot for hunting.
The Ultimate Goal: Pass the Sniff Test
Our goal is to have trail cameras that not only pass the "sniff test" but are never even sniffed by deer. If you're consistently witnessing deer approaching and investigating your camera, it's time to reconsider its placement.
This season, make sure your trail cameras remain hidden, allowing you to capture more authentic wildlife behavior without altering deer patterns. By mastering the art of stealth, you'll not only get more pictures but also witness more deer in front of your stand, enriching your overall hunting experience.
Article Credit: Information sourced from Jeff Sturgis of Whitetail Habitat Solutions